Radio, Television & Newspaper
I've been very fortunate to have had the opportunity to share my passion for plants with thousands of upstate New York residents every week for more than fifteen years!
All of these activities force me to keep learning - every week, of every year. A while back, for example, a caller to my radio program wanted to know how to keep a piece of sod that he'd snuck home from Ireland growing year-round in a pot inside his home? Needless to say, this was never addressed in any of my college courses in turfgrass science!
So, if you have a question regarding your lawn, landscape, vegetable garden or houseplants just click on any of the links at right to learn more about "The Weeder's Digest" on News Radio 570 WSYR, "Garden Journeys" on Time Warner Cable Television's News 10 Now in Central New York and RNews in Rochester and western New York (known as "In Your Garden" on Capital News 9 in Albany and the greater Capital District), and my weekly "Let's Get Growing" column in your local Eagle Newspaper.