Come to Central New York
I was thoroughly unimpressed as I drove into downtown Syracuse
from Hancock International Airport in mid-February of 1987. It was
battleship-gray, cold and it hadn't snowed in awhile which meant that everything
looked dirty.
I had flown to Central New York from Minneapolis - St. Paul, Minnesota - one of the cleanest metropolitan areas I've ever seen - for a job interview with Cornell Cooperative Extension - Onondaga County. I distinctly recall muttering "this is not going to work" as I drove south on Interstate 81 past ramshackle buildings, a huge junkyard and a vast complex of enormous oil tanks at the gateway to downtown Syracuse.
To make a long story short . . . . . . . , was I wrong!
I got the job, met a wonderful woman who became my wife, started a small business and became something of a "celebrity" - all in the span of little more than a decade.
Along the way I've learned that there really isn't a better place to live, work, go to school, start a business, raise a family - and retire, too - than right here in Central New York!
Need more convincing?
Click on any of the topics at left for more of my experiences and opinions as a "non-native." And, feel free to contact me by phone, fax or e-mail if you'd like me to bend your ear for a couple of hours on the many virtues of my home - which is Central New York!