Average High Temperature: 81.7°F
Record High Temperature: 98°F (the 22nd, 2002)
Average Low Temperature: 60.1°F
Record Low Temperature: 45°F (the 25th, 1976)
Average Precipitation: 4.02" inches
Maximum Precipitation: 10.12" (2006)
Minimum Precipitation: 0.9" (1969)
If it's July, it must be hot and dry,
Well, July is the warmest month of the year, on average. However, it's also the second wettest, after September.
However, while we may receive an average of slightly more than four inches of rain in July, it's not unusual for most of it to fall in a matter of hours during two or three intense thunderstorms spaced several weeks apart!
Therefore, while I've never seen it dry enough here in Central New York to be concerned about losing established landscape plantings or lawns, you may very well need to water your vegetable garden this month.
To insure that plants in your garden don't suffer from drought stress, water early in the morning so that plants have a chance to take the water up before the heat of the day.
The same holds true if you absolutely can't live without a lush, green lawn all summer long - make sure to water first thing in the morning, not early in the evening after you get home from work!